UWC Beyond Boundaries

UWC Beyond Boundaries

United Way of Chennai, a guiding star near and far,   

For the deserving communities our support has no bar

With caring hearts, we lead the way, building better lives each day. 

Service & integrity, light our path, in every step, we hold out the torch,

Inclusive & fair, with empathy, our values shine for all to see. 

In classrooms where young dreams are told, futures built, and hearts unfold.

Fostering well-being with compassion, bringing hope and healing through each progression.  

UWC, empowers the meek, with skills and hope, for those whose stories make us choke.

Breathing life into the land, where forests rise, and rivers flow

From planting seeds to skills we lend, in every act, new paths we tend. 

UWC’s aid in crisis stands, restoring hope with helping hands.

Embracing all, United we stand tall. 

In every effort, in every stride, United Way of Chennai walks with pride.

A future bright, a world renewed, in every heart, our hope is glued. 

So join us now, in this grand quest, together, we shall build the best,  

A world where potential is realized, through effort and care, lives energized. 

If our vision sparks your soul, or if you wish to play a role, reach us, visit us and come take a stand,

Together, we’ll transform this land. 

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