40 percent of India will not have access to drinking water by 2030.

Tamil Nadu and its capital city depend on annual monsoons to recharge the groundwater supply. One bad rain year affects millions, especially farmers. In urban areas, we have overused many natural water sources. Our growing population will need far more water in the future than we have right now.

We have to act now to stop tomorrow’s crisis.

Environmental Projects

Reclaiming Nature

Pond Restoration and Conservation of Nalathani Pond at Chengalpet

Restoring Ecosystems

Allikulam Pond Restoration at Chengalpet District.

Sustainable Source

Community Water Tank Establishment at Putlur.

Shining Paths

Installed Solar Street Lights in Kanchipuram District

Seeds of Change

Students Participate in Miyawaki Plantation – Students from 3 colleges in Coimbatore, Erode and Chennai.

Switching on Opportunity

Electrification Project for Government Schools in Thirunanthikkarai, Andoor and Muthalar.